Troll exclusive roleplay guild - Wyrmrest Accord horde


Shadowtusk Clan - Wyrmrest Accord Horde is a Troll exclusive, heavy roleplaying guild.We're a racial guild centered around the various Trolls of Azeroth. We aim to provide our members an immersive storytelling experience that focuses on bloodied battles, various tribal cultures, and the day-to-day lives of this fantasy race. We focus heavily on roleplaying within the world at large and forming stories which build up the identity of everything that makes a troll unique; tribes, loa, culture and festivities.Originally formed in 2008, the Shadowtusk Clan has grown, adapted, and progressed alongside of World of Warcraft over many years. We've built a tight knit and active community we pride ourselves in. Our members are never just numbers to a roster, an extra character to an event, or anything less than someone we'd call a friend. We humbly invite you to explore what we have to offer, whether you be friend, foe or food.



We believe the quality of a guild is dictated by the experience of its members and the health of its community. We invest in making decisions which prioritize those standards. We treat every member without bias and/or favoritism when regarding our rules. No one, even officers, are immune to following the conduct we've set forth.If you witness or experience a fellow member breaking guild conduct, we ask that you provide screenshots of the incident to the officers. If the situation occurs in voice chat, please contact an officer within the week it happened. If you report this, your name with be kept strictly between officers and not revealed, unless you give prior consent.Rules may be changed at any time with or without warning. If a member is removed, the reasons will not be publicly disclosed unless the officers deem it absolutely necessary. Former members seeking to rejoin after being removed, will be handled on case by case basis. If a current member voices discomfort, that person will not be granted return.Below you will find a list of our rules and policies. Upon applying to the guild, you agree to have read and understood these rules. Failure to adhere to our conduct, may result from warnings to full membership removal. If you are confused or uncertain of a rule, please contact an officer.


⤜ Age Requirement: You and your character must 18+ to apply to and join Shadowtusk Clan. Under no circumstances will we accept anyone under that age. If a member is found to be a minor, they will be removed from the guild roster immediately.⤜ Toxicity: We do not tolerate toxicity towards members, allies, or other roleplayers. This includes name-calling, passive aggressive jabs, rumor spreading, eavesdropping or otherwise behavior considered intentionally disruptive to another person's emotions or wellbeing.⤜ Representation: We ask that while you wear our guild tag, you conduct yourself in a manner which reflects positively on Shadowtusk Clan. This does not mean you must get along with everyone on the server, but it means we ask you not behave in a manner which could be considered poor to our reputation.⤜ Powergaming: Characters are not permitted to be all powerful, all knowing, immortal, or unstoppable. You are expected to know the realistic bounds of characters and roleplay with limitations in mind. Additionally, you may not write or control for another person's character unless permission is given.⤜ Metagaming: Information you know does not automatically mean your character knows it. Ensure your character has access to information before roleplaying out them being aware or knowledgeable on people, subjects, events, d20 mechanics, and so forth. If you mistakenly metagame, please own up to the mistake and correct it with those involved.⤜ IC =/= OOC: We home a wide variety of characters from lawful to evil. Characters in no form of matter represent their writers. Members are expected to uphold a boundary of keeping IC as IC and OOC as OOC. A character's actions should not dictate the feelings of the writer. The opposite also applies, do not attempt to take OOC aggressions IC.⤜ Lore Abiding: Your characters should be as close to lore accurate as possible. If you wish to create headcanon check established lore and RPG lore prior to doing this. Headcanon cannot be pulled from thin air, it must be based on abandoned lore or grey areas. You may not create headcanon which controls lore entities or contradicts established lore. Headcanons must be approved by officers before being implemented into characters or the guild. Members may not choose to ignore established lore.⤜ Transparency: We ask you be as transparent as possible with officers if issues arise. Lying or withholding information regarding situations which require our attention or intervention is something we deeply frown upon and often leads to prolonging situations. If you dislike speaking to a certain officer, you may request to speak with another.⤜ Specific Topics: Political and Relgious topics should not be brought up in public chat. If you would like to discuss these with another member, please contact them privately and keep them in private messages. We accept people from all walks of life and will not tolerate hate towards any of our members.⤜ Discord: All in-game rules apply to discord. In discord there are some additional rules. We ask that you're mindful and post the correct content in the right channels. Images that are considered to be pornographic aren't allowed, however, art which is risque or violent is permitted with the use of the spoiler option and a warning. Voice is free for anyone to use, we ask you not spam voice with soundboard effects, loud sounds, and you stream appropriate content.⤜ "Keys": "Keys" for all intents and purposes is considered our guild wide 'safe word'. If someone uses this word in any chat, we ask you stop conversation of the topic immediately and change it to another subject. Keys is to be used for content and subjects which is triggering and/or harmful to another members emotional/mental health. Do not use this word in an attempt to control chats or end conversations you find annoying.


New Member ProcessCharacter Death & InjuryGuild Meeting FormatHeadcanon ApprovalCompanion ListEvent Submission Guidelines


Q: How active is the Shadowtusk Clan?
A: We consider ourselves a high-activity guild. We host events several times a week, story campaigns every few months, opportunities for ambient roleplay, and troll-themed holidays during specific months. Additionally we have a discord channel to set up roleplay in game or on discord with various members. We heavily favor in-game roleplay over discord.
Q: What kind of events does the guild host?
A: D20 Events. Ambient Events. Server Events. Holiday Events. Riddle/Discovery Events. Game Content (when interest is presented). We additionally host game nights and play other games outside of WoW with each other quite often.
Q: What time are events at?
A: The host may post an event whenever they'd like. However, our most common and used time bracket is 5-6PM Server Time. [ 8PM-9PM EST | 7PM-8PM CT | 6PM-7PM PT ]
Q: Is there an activity requirement?
A: Yes, unless you give us notice prior to leaving, in which case you will be excused. We always encourage people to prioritize real life! In the situation we're given no notice you can be removed from inactivity. If you're an Ahn'vi (first rank) you will be removed past a month of inactivity. If you're any rank higher you will have six months before removal.
Q: Are there any mandatory addons?
A: A few! Mandatory ones are: TRP3 and Dicemaster. Recommended ones are: Editmode Expanded. Emote splitter. Elephant. Listener.
Q: Is the discord active?
A: Very! There's some members who favor interacting via discord text and many who enjoy speaking in voice on a daily basis. We're most active in the late afternoons to late evenings and during the days on weekends.
Q: Can non-trolls join the Shadowtusk Clan?
A: No. We ICly/OOCly only accept Troll characters into the guild roster. You may join our community chat on non-troll characters. Additionally, we do not accept Troll hybrids or mixed breeds with other races.
Q: Are there specific IC classes I can't join as?
Yes. Anything considered boss-level powered would not be accepted. Additionally, classes which are the same as our subclasses you cannot join as and must complete a storyline to have the title of: Shadow Hunter, Demoniac, Mojowright Blood Drinker, Venomancer, Witch Doctor, Dinomancer, Shadow Walker, Berserker, Primal. For additional information regarding this, please visit our subclass page.
Q: Can I join on a headcanon tribe?
A: Your character's original tribe which they are born in must be a canonical/RPG tribe of World of Warcraft. However, if in their storyline since birth, they've joined a tribe which is headcanon, that is acceptable. Please keep in mind upon joining, we would likely refer to them as their original tribe and not acknowledge much of their non-official tribe affiliations.
Q: Can I join as a mixed race/hybrid troll?
A: No. Your character must be 100% Troll of origins. You also cannot have another race illusion as a troll. We only accept trolls. Your troll may be the offspring between two tribes though.
Q: What is the minimum level to join?
A: You must be at least level 30.
Q: Is an application required to join?
A: We do indeed ask those wishing to join complete a small application so we may learn about their character. When you're already in the guild and wish to add an alt, you also have to submit an application to ensure your alt is fitting to our guild standard.
Q: Where is the guild's main base of operation?
A: The guild resides IC/OOCly in Zul'Gurub. Our reasoning behind it ICly regards ties between the Shadowtusk and Gurubashi.
Q: Do you prevent outsiders from entering Zul'Gurub?
A: OOCly? Absolutely not. We do not 'own' any area of the game and we will not act as if we do. We do have IC laws however, and those request that ICly we remove non-trolls. Anyone who does not wish to, does not need to have that interaction with us and we will happily ignore them and leave them to their roleplay!
Q: Has the guild had any negative server interactions?
A: We believe in transparency with our members and those interested in becoming one. Years ago Shadowtusk Clan had a completely different membership and leadership. During that time, there were members who participated in unsavory roleplay and behaviors that resulted in Shadowtusk Clan gaining an undesired reputation. Those individuals have since been removed and banned from ever returning. The guild has been under new leadership and its member base has drastically changed since then.
Q: I'm a previous member who was removed. Can I return?
A: This is handled on a case by case basis. Please contact an officer or send in an application and explain the situation. You will be contacted and the situation will be reviewed and you'll be given a reason why or why not.
Q: Can all tribes join?
A: Most. You cannot join as a Dark Troll, Hakkari, Atal'ai, Nazmani, Amaki, or Natha'vor. You may be permitted membership of a reformed Blood Troll alt- character, under the condition they are never your main character in the guild. It is rare we accept Blood Trolls due to IC complications.




Shadowtusk Shadow Hunter

Artist: MiffedMist




Artist: Anraheth



Artist: MiffedMist




Artist: Anraheth


darkspear dinomancer

Artist: Monica Huffaker



Artist: MiffedMist


shatterspear venomancer

Artist: dstephanova



amani axethrower

Artist: Anraheth


darkspear witch doctor

Artist: Monica Huffaker


smolderthorn mojowright

Artist: MiffedMist



Artist: Syche


bloodscalp primal

Artist: MiffedMist


ZAndalari shadow walker

Artist: MiffedMist


zandalari shadow hunter

Artist: dstephanova


shatterspear dinomancer

Artist: MiffedMist





drakkari primal

Artist: indicinis


drakkari hunter

Artist: zuaidraws


sandfury warrior

Artist: zuaidraws


bloodscalp hunter

Artist: DZ_Zey


witherbark primal runt


Meet Mo'saku


Guild Master - Storyboard Director - Subclass Trainer

Discord: likeclockwerk

"I've been the GM of Shadowtusk for almost three years; I make people roll dice and suffer the consequences for my entertainment. "

Meet Mohtoh


Main Officer - D20 Director - Subclass Trainer

Discord: procktra

"I've been in this guild for several years and I love to work with systems and numbers. Bring to me all your questions and I will tell you exactly why I'm being a buzzkill or why I'm going to allow whatever crazy ideas you have go."

Meet Tezuli


Main Officer - Recruitment Director - Subclass Trainer

"Fuck around and find out. Please. I've been dying to throw hands for years."

"I do oversee our festivals/clan culture, social events, server events, and ambient RP initiatives."

Meet Zar'kajo


Sub Officer - Event Host - Subclass Trainer

"Hallo! I've been an Atal'alarion (and Antu'zul at one point) since 2018! I love to create stories and smaller events with the occasional story arc here and there, and love to join folks in bringing life to their toons through Ambient RP and other small events! I also like to help folks flesh out stories they have ideas for."

Meet Natuya


Sub Officer - Seasonal Events - Guard Lead - Subclass Trainer

"I thrive on creating headcanons and stories, and I help Tezuli bring life to our holidays. Tez and I are not the same person... Or are we?"

Meet Munkir


Sub Officer - Recruitment - New Member Relations

"I have the privilege of helping new members get situated into our various systems and lore, and enjoy encouraging creative storytelling among our members."

Meet Naz'tala


Sub Officer - Lorekeeper - Website Design - Advertisement

"UHM ACHKTUALLY- The person. I'm the newest Atal'alarion and I'm here to do nerdy things and talk ears off in voice chat."


These are public community events we host on a dedicated and repetitive schedule. These events are open to the server at large, any race, any class, and do not require membership to attend. If you're interested, you're welcome to come participate!

zul'gurub farmer's market



Every month the gates of Zul'Gurub open to all folks across Azeroth! We welcome familiar faces and strangers alike to participate in the selling and trading of various goods! For additional information, please join the Farmer's Market discord linked above!


Annual Event


Every summer the Shadowtusk hosts a dangerous week long hunting competition. Where everyone is in teams of two fighting against others to rack up the highest points at the end of the week. You can come with a partner or we will find a partner for you. The two teams who perform the best during the hunt will get fabulous prizes and the honorary title of Huntsmaster until the following year's Great Hunt.


Stone slabs littered with cracks and caked in moss can be found in various locations within and outside of Zul'Gurub. These slabs all contain identical engravings known as 'laws'. These are easily accessible and portable often being brought with the clan when journeying away from Stranglethorn.


• The Antu’zul or Atal’alarion tasked with investigating a
crime determines the severity of punishment at their discretion.
• Appealing to the Antu’zul or Chief is always allowed, but
must be done in a respectful and calm manner. Failure
to maintain a civil tone during an appeal may incur punishment under Speaking out of Turn.
• If one is discovered to be undermining a legal punishment,
then they are to be given the same punishment as those they helped.
• Ignorance of the law does not make up an adequate
excuse from punishment.
• Deliberate manipulation to gain aid will cause discipline to be enacted again, or worsened.


• Arguing with the Chief, an Antu'zul, Atal'alarion or anyone they appoint as authority is a mark of disrespect. The punishment is removal of the offender's tongue.• Defying orders from the Chief, an Antu'zul, Atal'alarion or anyone they grant authority results in the removal of an ear. Branding or burning in instances where the offender shows great disrespect is also acceptable.• Knowingly damaging a loa's holy place or animals which reside in it is considered an attack on the loa. Offenders will be shamed and forced to serve penance given by both a leader and a priest or priestess of that loa. In addition, any damages caused to shrines, temples, or otherwise places of worship must be fixed.• Using forbidden magics: necromancy, decay, fel, and blood outside of the Shadow Temple is forbidden. Exceptions are made for Blood Drinkers, Mojowrights, Death Knights and Demoniacs.• Intimate relations with non-Trolls are forbidden. Violators will be branded upon the face. Children born of these unions are not to be harmed but must be left with their non-troll parent if possible.• If they do not leave when ordered, those discovered trespassing upon the Island of Hakkar will suffer the breaking of a leg. Repeat offenders may face punishment up to execution.


• Outside of an act of self-defense, the murder of a fellow Shadowtusk is grounds for exile or execution. The deceased's next of kin have first claim to their property. They are given a say in the punishment the murderer is sentence to and may act on the punishment themselves.• Serious attacks made outside of spars or thrazes are subjected to punishment by the Chief, Antu'zul or an Atal'alarion if deemed serious enough.• Attacks that use fire, lightning, acid, or any permanent magic/substance is strictly forbidden when fighting. Two people may choose to waive this prior to a spar or thraze, but otherwise it is treated as a serious crime.• Stealing from personal property and/or shrine property results in loss of a hand and a smaller punishment dictated by the person stolen from. Repeat offenses will worsen future punishments.• Children under the age of 10 should be under the care of an adult. You may choose to leave your children with family, friends, a matron or the nursery while you are busy else where. A child younger than 10 found alone for more than an hour can result in punishment of the parent or caretaker.• Children which are shown to have any signs of abuse or neglect, can result in the child permanently taken away from their parent or caretaker.



"Many chiefs over de years have come ta serve de Shadowtusk. Some of dem were great mons who died to protect deir people and some were terrible who wanted nothing but power! Yet, no matter how fate took dem from deir leadership one thing be for sure; ain’t none of dem ever be forgotten. No.. No.. We share deir stories, legacies and de lessons ‘em all passed to us. A chief might be our leader, but above all else dey be our family, friend, and want nothin’ more to make sure we all be living to the next battle!”


Leading a large clan filled with various tribes of trolls, many of which are almost extinct, can be a heavy burden on a single troll. Our chief must be willing and able to assist in carrying forth the cultures, traditions, and futures of the menagerie of tribes they lead. The chief lives a stressful life, but they must learn patience and fairness for all who they govern and know when even one of their own threatens the wellness of the collective.


Guild Mastering can be exhausting and unfortunately for many it turns into a second job. This is why delegation, communication, and patience is the absolute most important thing a GM can have in their arsenal. We expect our guild master, whoever they are, to prioritize their real lives; which means being able to lean on their officers and members to do their share. Our GM is responsible for being the head and main representative of our community, they should be active, attentive, communicative, and above all else here to see the community thrive and succeed.



"Voice of de people, or so most of us be callin’ dem. De Antu’zul serve as a council of sorts, all of dem beneath the Chief as mediators of de people. Dey be arbiters of law, war, an’ justice. Dey are de big mons who work when big chief mon be busy; lot of ‘em are keen on punishment if you be actin’ too heavily out of line. But same as de chief? Deir main focus is making sure de Shadowtusk lives on.”


You must have previously served as an Atal'alarion before qualifying for Antu'zul. This rank is not guaranteed to anyone. Antu'zul are selected by the current officer core and this is often done through a process of discussion and votes.


The Antu'zul serve with the expectation to be mediators of the people and enforcers of law. They are representatives of the people's will and taskmasters of the Chief's orders. They're expected to act with good intention and unbiased judgment.


This position is an investment of time and energy. All officers of this level are usually specialized or have expertise in a specific area of the guild which they govern over. It is important that they keep their area of the guild maintained and delegate when needed. If you neglect or are unable to complete the tasks you've agreed to, after a period of time, they may be transitioned over to someone else.



“De Atal’alarion be like de stones to all the temples we build. Dey’re the foundation for the Antu’zul and da chief. They work real hard, runnin’ around an enforcing laws and doing errands dat keep dem working harder den most others sometimes! Atal’alarion often work under de Antu’zul, keeping things nice and clean. When other leaders ain’t around? Dey become de leading voice of the clan.”


You must be at least Ai'shi to qualify for this rank. This rank is not guaranteed to anyone. Atal'alarions are selected by the current officer core and this is often done through a process of discussion and votes.


Atal'alarions provide guidance to members and enforce laws in the day-to-day lives of everyone. They are to serve beneath the Antu'zul and Chief to ensure everything is going as smoothly as possible. In the case a Chief or Antu'zul is unavailable, Atal'alarion turns into a leadership position.


Sub Officers are promoted to assist with a specific function of the guild or to be the person an Antu'zul delegates to. Sub officers, like any other officer is expected to communicate and be present. A sub officer who ceases doing what they agreed to after obtaining the rank may be subjected to demotion back to a member rank.



"Family is blood, de blood dat be spilt together, de blood which stains da fields in red. Our drums may beat different rhythms, from de forests, to da jungles, de frozen lands and de deserts. Yet 'ere we fight under a new beat as one, as Shadowtusk. De journey not been easy, but we've learned what family truly be and we are de honored of it, we are de Vyeo'shi. Congratulations ya' mons who be making it to dis title."


Your character must obtain Ai'shi and then 50 coins!
Promotion occurs at monthly guild meeting.


You will gain access to a channel in which you may preform IC interviews for new and alt applicants. Your character may also be given more roles of responsibility.


Vyeo'shi have proven themselves as our elite and thus are honored as members. Vyeo'shi are expected to uphold the clan's morals and laws, to assist in paving the way for newer members to become Vyeoshi They are exactly what it means to be Shadowtusk.


This is a member rank! All member ranks have the same expectations: contact us if you have a question, let us know if you have an issue, tell us if you're going on hiatus so we can mark it down, and overall have a fantastic time.



"Proven. Yuh, Ai’shi be our proven mons. Some folks dat really showed they have what et takes to be called a Shadowtusk. Once a mon be Ai’shi, et means they are fully fledged and proved themselves as an Ahn’vi.”


You must obtain 10 coins.
Promotion occurs at end of event or monthly guild meeting.


You will unlock all member perks. You may purchase a hut. You may host events. You may join a guard. You may earn 10 more coins and begin subclass training. You also at this rank may be considered for positions such as subclass leader, guard leader, and even Atal'alarion.


Ai'shi are official members of the Shadowtusk. They are expected to begin on the path of proving themselves as Vyeo'shi and assist in helping new Ahn'vi get to Ai'shi themselves.


This is a member rank! All member ranks have the same expectations: contact us if you have a question, let us know if you have an issue, tell us if you're going on hiatus so we can mark it down, and overall have a fantastic time.



"New blood, but not a new soul. Ahn'vi, de unproven of da Shadowtusk. Ya' come from war-torn places, dyin' tribes, hurtin' families... Ya seek a new life, a new chance and ya be willing to prove yourselves with scalps of enemies, broken spirits, and our ya lives on de line. Ya not be Shadowtusk yet, but dat can change new blood, dat can change..."


You must complete your recruitment process!


You will gain access to the guild, discord, and all member channels and utilities!


You will gain access to the guild, discord, and all member channels and utilities!


This is a member rank! All member ranks have the same expectations: contact us if you have a question, let us know if you have an issue, tell us if you're going on hiatus so we can mark it down, and overall have a fantastic time.



"Well! Ya done really f#cked up now didn't ya? Come on mon. Ya coulda done better."

This rank is reserved for IC punishments. This does not indicate any OOC standing with the guild!


Your character's guild progression is tracked by what we call "coining". Our coin system offers an easy-to-follow progress that any member can check in on to see how close you are to the next guild rank or until your next application of coins in another area of the guild. You may find your coins listed in your guild note!

You may earn coins for your character by having them participate in the following...• Guild Events: When your character participates in a guild event, doesn't matter the event type, they are awarded with a single coin per event!• Tusk Tasks: These are smaller prompts which can be found in discord that entails a task which must be done in-game. Completing this task with another earns your character a coin.• Guild Tours: Your character may give a new member a tour of the city! This will award your character a coin.• Mentorship: Your character may become a mentor! When they become a mentor, they get an extra coin for any event they attend with their mentee. Characters may only mentor one other at a time.• Writing Prompts: Specific writing prompts, usually ones made by officers for a large occasion may grant a coin to those who do it. These are done via discord.


Artist: Athena-Erocith

Festivals are the hallmark of a flourishing society, they are a chance to escape from the day-to-day life and let loose. Remember the past and look forward to the future, enjoy new experiences and see life in a new way. Even if it’s only for a short time. Festivals are meant to fill us with excitement and be a constant mark on the year that you can reliably return to share experiences with between generations. The way we celebrate may change but there is a core to each holiday and a unique feeling when they come around again.In the Shadowtusk we worship the Loa of the Gurubashi and protect their shrines, so in their honor, we have a list of holidays, in addition to those that have come to pass because of the heroic deeds of our predecessors. Sometimes holidays deviate from their roots, losing the spirit and reason for the season but it’s our job to balance the more traditional roots of the holidays with the modern interpretations and traditions they have come to be associated with.




Shadra | Torcali
This festival represents love and connection. Lan'mou is a time for many to find themselves new friends, love interests, or to celebrate the ones they already have. This holiday gives tribute to Shadra and Torcali.
Shadra, rumored to be the lover of Mueh'zala by the Farraki, teaches us that even the most vile or unlikely may form threads of affection. Torcali brings us into the harvest of upcoming spring and gives us guidance towards protection of our loved ones and shields us from harm during new beginnings.DRESS
Bright and colorful, meant to catch the eye of admirers, this is when you put on your best paints, jewelry, and trinkets. But more so than looking attractive you must be mindful of what manner of admirers you wish to attract!
We celebrate through sharing of affection and opportunities to connect to one another. We have shows and fights which peacock for potential mates and friends. We give sacrifice to Shadra and Torcali. We also allow specific spiders to seek out victims to envenom with a toxin that instills intense feelings of love and adoration.




Hethiss | Jani
This festival is a playful celebration of cleverness and humor, but also a time to remind authority where they get their power: The common folk. Jani teaches us no one should ever be too high and mighty, for the small in numbers can cause the most havoc. Hethiss shows us that power does not need to be an obvious show to remain long lasting and that trust is a fragile thing.
Greens, yellows, and oranges are in fashion! Bold patterns and scale-like markings are common to paint on one's body. Unlike some holidays where you might want noises this holiday is all about slinking and being hidden. So quiet ornamentations are the best kind, soft leathers or cloth.
While one might assume there’s a devious air to a festival for Hethiss, but we find our humor from Jani. This is a time to be clever, smart, and silly. Everyone is inspired to partake in harmless pranks! To keep all their trash and spread trashpiles around the city. Most, fun, to remind leadership that not everything must be so serious. Plot like a snake and bite like a saurid!




This holiday marks the new year for the trolls of Stranglethorn Vale. Time to repent for the old and then make room for the new. With the first half of the month, we try to atone ourselves, and with the second we bring in as many good tidings as you can for the next year. There is no patron loa of this holiday, rather it’s a celebration of the accomplishments of the Shadowtusk Clan.
Modest clothing is preferred for the first half of the holiday while you try to excuse ills of the past year, muted colors, grey and blacks to appear humble and repentant. For the second half often finds themselves dressing in a way that might exemplify where they want their path to take them. In whatever way they might choose to quantify that.
For the first half of the month, the atmosphere is very heavy and religious, grave moss might grow in the deep shadows of the city to remind us of those lost and sacrifices made. When the midseason of the festival passes one may notice peacebloom overtaking the moss and a lighter feeling within their chests with hopes for the future.




Shirvallah | Kimbul | Rezan
This festival is a celebration of athletic prowess, martial valor, and honorable conduct. Even the most pragmatic of Trolls are expected to honor their word during this time, and only the most traditional means of combat are permitted in competition: Grappling, ax, spear, and bow.
Orange, black, gold and yellow are the colors to wear, along with natural ornamentation, especially from kills you can claim to have made yourself. Bones, pelts, furs, claws, and teeth are popular in all manners of colors and tints to display your strength. Tiger stripes are common and one might feel inspired to show off their physique; powerful leg, arms, and cores.
This holiday brings with it a strong feeling of honor and pride to most, they feel inspired to better themselves in small ways and take charge of situations they might have left to the wayside before. It is a time to show strength and resilience in many aspects of life and this is done through several events of physical and sentimental natures. During this time Tiger Lillies from the north are planted amongst the jungle to show reliance to change and are often gifted to 'strong' mates.




Bethekk | Akunda | Zanza
During Kii’Nima trolls pay respects to great magic users of the past and present, and even those who normally wouldn’t dabble in such age-old trollish magic are allowed and encouraged to partake in weaving spells of their own.
Magic is often bold, beautiful, and dazzling to the eye so bright colors and beautiful things are popular during this holiday of Bethekk. Blues, purples, silvers, and golds are most popular but as long as you stand out, sparkle, and shine you will fit in with the crowd. Many take to wearing bold feathers in their hair and use them to decorate their armor during this month.
Empowered, inquisitive, mystic. These words all embody the lingering feeling in the air during the month of the holiday. At night there seem to be faerie fire lights illuminating secret pathways. Flowers seem to bloom only at night and glow in an unexplainable way. During this holiday one might find themselves staring at the starry sky wondering about their place in the world with boundless possibilities before them.





Bwon'samdi | Mueh'zala | Quetz'lun | Samedi
While veneration and appeasement of the dead are central to Troll faith throughout the year, this holiday represents when the Other Side (otherwise known as the Shadowlands) is closest to the borders of the physical plane. The most active and oftentimes malicious of spirits take this opportunity to run amok, and all would be wise to take extra steps to ward them off or make friends of them until the end of the month has passed.
For the season the most important part of how one dresses is to make sure you disguise yourself so that the spirits can’t tell who you are. This will hopefully trick them into leaving you and your loved ones alone. Once a week the theming of the preferred dress will change as the month progresses so keep your ears open for the dressing conventions of the holiday.
With the separation of our realm and the other side so very thin the entire month gives a chilling and foreboding aura. With all the deaths on the grounds of Zul’Gurub, grave moss will once again begin to bloom and spread in all the darkened shadowy corners, giving the very air a musty odor. One might feel chills when they’re walking along even during the heat of the jungle’s day and the shrines would feel more active and alive than they usually do with the spirits of those sacrificed on their altars.




Hir'eek | Gonk | Paku
This holiday is meant to bring together family and friends alike in joyous revelry. Community is the watchword during this time of year, and it is considered a good form to strengthen one’s bonds within it, try to ensure peace and stability within your household, and honor those you hold dear with gifts.
No particular dress code prevails during Gon’uru. However, it is quite common to see ornamentation either on one’s person or around the home shaped from the wood native to one’s homeland, and often in the form of a small bat-shaped totem. Natural colors and handmade goods are the norms; Gon’Uru is about strengthening your connection to your family and community, not being a showboat.
During Gon’Uru something seems to be in the air, maybe it’s the sugared plums folks enjoy snacking on but one wants to be close to their family this time of year. Making and giving handmade goods and gifts is common and encouraged. If one is starting a family or is blessed to have one this is the time of year to ask for the blessings of the loa to keep them together and strong.




The Tusksworn is the sword drawn in its open defense, and the weapon wielded in times of war - Be the aggressor us, or somebody else. With a well-organized rank and file and a hierarchy primarily based upon activity and ability, the Tusksworn are a good catch-all for those in the Shadowtusk whose skills revolve around spilling blood and dealing death. To that end, it is led by the clan's Warlord, who holds influence over times of conflict within the jungle of Stranglethorn.During the times in which we have been aiding other tribes, the Tusksworn have typically conducted operations to ensure that the Shadowtusk's main efforts are not interrupted by aggressors, but it's not unheard of for them to lead the charge as well-- Claiming vengeance against those who would do our city and our home harm thinking they could get away scott-free.



Knowledge is power, just how powerful are you?

The Scrollkeepers are the scholars of the Shadowtusk Clan, cultivating myriad knowledge of culture, magic, strategy and more from the annals of troll and troll-adjacent history. They have been known to collect artifacts from far-flung digsites and to secure tomes detailing lost knowledge on many occasions, along with inscribing that which has not yet been written in the halls of their library. The one who presides over it all is the Scrollkeeper Sage, whose purpose is to guide the other Scrollkeepers in their quest for knowledge, and to encourage learning across the Shadowtusk.Indeed, the Sage is afforded many special privileges, as not all knowledge may remain public. While even the Sage may not know of the dealings of the elusive Shadow Guard (unless they are a member themselves), they are given access and stewardship of forbidden knowledge in their library - A responsibility any good sage should take very seriously. To see these hidden shelves is a rarity indeed, but there's much to learn from the rest of the Scrollkeeper's collection nonetheless.

Must be Ai'shi+ to join! Interested? Contact Atzokhan in discord or in-game!


Do you long to find what lurks in the shadows? Hold secrets beyond imagination? Be apart of the underground and ensure the protection of your people? - We may just find you...

The Shadow Guard is the Shadowtusk's secret guardian, unknown and forbidden from the majority of its members. Only those most adept at subterfuge, at dealing death, at gathering information and at discretion will even be allowed to know of it-- Let alone to treat with the mysterious Shadow Lord. Its purpose, apart from its unknown roster of members, is quite simple: To guard the Shadowtusk from threats without and within. Many individuals have been watched and tested to enter-- Only a select few have actually been allowed, and are sworn to secrecy for want of severe and likely deadly consequence.And for very good reason! While the Shadow Guard serves a general purpose of clandestine protection that the regular ranks will never even hear about, its original purpose was to be a check for the power of a misguided, stupid or corrupt Chief. To take them, and perhaps some of their Antu'zul, down if it becomes necessary for the wellbeing of the clan.

Must be Ai'shi+ to join! Interested? Contact Natuya in discord or in-game!




None of the other guards suit you? That's okay! If you're an Ai'shi outside a guard we'll put a shovel in your hand and PUT YOU TO WORK!

Zul'Gurub is a big place. Lots of maintenance must be done. By not joining a guard, you're joining the civil service. Road repair? Your job. Upkeep of buildings? You're gonna learn how to do that today. Tasks that aren't being covered by people living in huts? Somebody's gotta do the work to keep this city up and running!Want out? Join a guard.

...Are you really interested? Contact Mohtoh in discord or in-game



Prestige Classes are dense storylines ran by specific people to train your character in one of the classes listed above. Your character will face many challenges, while you experience a troll-immersive adventure. Should your character prove victorious, you will unlock a class specific D20 kit for them and additional ambient benefits.The classes listed above contain heavy lore, thus, we do not allow people to join as these classes from the get-go. We ask people who are wishing to join to make their character something which could eventually become one of these prestige classes, to ensure your comprehension and power level is at the same standard as everyone else!


Berserkers belong to various factions and tribes. In most warbands or general military units, they are a staple of battle! These bloodthirsty warmongers have surpassed the expectations of simple day-to-day warriors, instead, transforming themselves into living, breathing, and bleeding weapons of the battlefield. Berserkers do not hone unworldly magics, receive godly blessings, nor have specific weapons of greater power. Instead, the Berserker must rely on their own ability, paired with alchemical enhancements to fulfill their duties.Berserker’s are easily identified on the battlefield! Whether it is their hulking physique, their unsettling choice of tattoo, or their loud death chants which hum of an eerie warning. These monstrous fighters are not easy to miss! The most defining quality of a Berserker, is the act of, ‘Berserking’. Berserking, for these individuals is elevated to a state of pure enragement; no longer do they have awareness of friend, foe, or self preservation, instead acting only on the instinct to kill.


Berserker’s willingly jeopardize their lives, sacrificing their own self-preservation to ensure a kill or protect an ally. A Berserker’s life is often short, spent in action, warfare, and dedication.There is no greater achievement than to perish in the heat of battle, taking with you all who dare oppose your people. Berserker’s must at all times forfeit their own safety to ensure the lives of others remain intact, and that the lives of the enemies crumble into nothingness. Berserker’s are to adjust to the battlefield, taking dangerous positions as necessary. Berserker’s are savants of the field, knowing an array of fighting tactics, positions, and in proper times should know how to call and direct their unit into and out of battle.Due to their fighting style, it is important a Berserker has field awareness, and does not place themselves up for a friendly-fire situation. A Berserker must be mindful of not only their allies' positions, but of constantly signaling them with their Rohk’tulak (Death Chant), so they may know when Berserking is beginning and ending. Berserker’s add a depth of awareness and positionals which are crucial to keep in mind.In their social relationships throughout history, Berserkers have been known to be a willing test subject for experiments. This includes recklessness regarding the whims of Witch Doctors, Venomancers, and Alchemists alike. A properly adjusted Berserker should be able to withstand various harmful tests succumbing to death slower than the average person. - However, they are not immune in this regard.If you're interested in training, please contact: Mohtoh


Berserker Elixirs
Berserkers have access to exclusive Witch Doctor crafted elixirs which grant them benefits during battle. These elixirs may be consumed or injected.
Weapon Mastery
A Berserker is mastered in both throwing and melee weaponry. The Berserker may choose a preference, but will be able to switch between both as needed or desired.
Field Expertise
Taught with the knowledge of battle and war, every Berserker is capable of taking over for leadership, or having leadership of their own when regarding active battle.
Every Berserker will become a member of the Tusksworn, allowing them dedication to their skills and additionally giving them opportunities to grow while serving the clan.
A Death Chant unique to every Berserker. These are hummed or sung during battle to simultaneously intimidate the enemy and express to their allies they are still aware and not yet in the state of Berserking.
Zin’rohk Markings
Upon completing their Zin’rohk (Training Finale), they will have unique tattoos depicting an eerie, frightening, and sometimes gory scene across various areas of their body.


The main purpose of a Berserker is to kill anything and anyone which would get in the way of their people. If there was ever a perfect person for a messy job, it will be a berserker.
Experiment Subject
Bersekers have been known throughout their history to serve as test subjects for alchemists and Witch Doctors. They are expected to subject themselves to chemical concoctions as they are requested.


Art by: MiffedMist

These cannibalistic warriors are the stuff of nightmares. They can siphon blood to heal themself or force it into the veins of their allies, mixing martial mastery with shadowy magic; becoming veritable portents of death on the battlefield. It takes quite a bit to down these juggernauts!With the power of their magic, Blood Drinkers are a match for anyone in terms of speed and strength. Their magic allows them to push their bodies beyond their natural limits with the unfortunate side effect that such power often taints their mind. Blood drinkers are commonly angry, chaotic, and savage to say the least.


Despite that which they’ve drawn their power from consistently tempting and tainting them, a Blood Drinker is expected to have the utmost control over themselves. If they do not, an errant Blood Drinker is better to put down than be allowed to run amuck in the clan. Abusing their powers is a surefire path to either falling in line with the old Hakkari ways or simply angering the Antu’zul.The Blood Drinkers have always been and are the Shadowtusk Clan’s vanguard. Their durability places them best on the frontlines. Their normally violent natures make them great on a battlefield, but their potential for chaos and carnage are not always the best fit in a situation. In battle, their ability to siphon the blood of their foes to heal themselves or their makes them essential for large bouts of combat, as it is very likely they will last through the majority of it without falling to a knee or tiring for even a moment.

Blood Drinker's are warrior-esque wielders of blood magic. Trolls of this class can be found throughout various tribes. The tribe which seems to have the most population of them in-game are the trolls of Zul'Farrak; we do see them scattered else where though.We've based this prestige class on what is available in-game and from that we've developed headcanon to give it it's own identity in troll society.Blood Drinkers have developed a niche in our community as bullies, enforcers, and braggarts. There is a strong history of these characters getting hot-headed and leading the clan into trouble!Training as a Blood Drinker can be quiet the violent experience. With every prestige class, it comes with a risk of serve injury and even death! If you're interested in having your character go down this path, please contact the Bloodlord/Trainer: Jert'wazi

Art by: @rrruthieh


When used, the Blood Drinker’s jaw unhinges, and a swirling vortex of sanguine will appear. This vampiric vortex will siphon blood from open wounds into the Blood Drinker's body and become a resource for the Blood Drinker.
When this ability is used nearby open wounds begin to burst with blood. This could cause death in droves if utilized properly, but it’s a wonderful way to assure there's plenty of blood to fuel a Blood Drinker in battle.
Blood Transfusion
This isn’t traditional healing by any means. Instead, the Blood Transfusion is done by reversing the runes - Whisking the blood they've siphoned into the veins of an ally to dredge them back from the brink of death from something involving blood-loss or certain venoms.
A Blood Drinker may enter a state of bloodlust by drawing upon their inner rage with their magic. This state allows them to exceed their natural limitations. They may not feel it in the moment, but their bodies are taxed greatly by the exertion. The magic fused with their rage often turns the Bloodlusting Blood Drinker into a sadistic killing machine.


They are adept guards. Tasked frequently with guarding the bridge to Hakkar's Temple, the main gates, or various shrines and people.
Blood Medic
A Blood Drinker can manipulate an ally's blood back into their open wounds, creating a magical transfusion. This should not be used over other traditional means of healing.
Though this will typically only be the Bloodlord, Blood Drinkers, in general, can serve as executioners for the clan if they are needed. They’ll enjoy it, too!


Fon’kaz - “Loner’s Death”
This helmet, mask, or muzzle is what many see as the face of Blood Drinkers. While it is not ultimately necessary for seasoned members of the prestige class, most wear it as a matter of tradition and safety. It is etched with runes that counter the runes carved into the Drinker’s own face, preventing them from siphoning.
Armor Styles
Despite being practical juggernauts, Blood Drinkers can tend towards lighter styles, but they typically keep at one or the other. One style is that of an indomitable battering ram of a troll. They don heavy metal armor to cover every inch of themselves, then wade into battle with only their head exposed to siphon. This keeps them protected but reduces maneuverability greatly.
The other style is a lighter style, sometimes wearing chainmail or forsaking armor entirely. This is the garb of a more traditional berserker, getting by on pure ferocity, rage, anger, and butchery. They’re far quicker than the aforementioned juggernauts, but if they are not careful even their penchant for siphoning may not save them.Weaponry
Blood Drinkers will often use weapons with some weight behind them or things that can cut deeply into their foes like curved swords and spears that can draw blood from their enemies easily for the ease of consuming the delicious source of power.


Art by: TheAlexIM

A troll once said to trust in the Loa with all your heart, to lean upon their knowledge, and thus be directed along one's path by the gods. A wise troll understands that not all gods and spirits have your best interests at heart, the darkest of them seek only to tempt one to sin, to cloud their minds, darken their hearts, and corrupt their very souls. These demons have only themselves, their power, and the chaos they may yet bring in their thoughts. Where the faithful would surely see such abominations as threats, ever seeking to destroy them, they have little understanding of the true threat such demons pose. Immortality, infinite rejuvenation. Strike one down, and it will surely return millennia later to exact its revenge upon one's bloodline. So what say the wisest of trolls? Those with this understanding? Why… tempt the temptor, drag their soul within their body to control it. Imprison it and use its power to protect all others from the touch of chaos.These Demoniacs, these masters of Fel and Shadow undergo intensive spiritual training, requiring great mental fortitude in order to resist both the call of power and the tempting whispers a demon may offer. Though mutations of the Fel will occur, it is its nature after all, those who fail to overpower the demon possessing them are slain on the spot to save their very soul. A dangerous path, one forsaken by the Loa, but one that brings great power to the clan, and greater danger to the clan’s foes.

A Demoniac must always be capable of dealing with temptation, most often of the power variety for they wield the most corrupting and addictive energy in the cosmos. Fel energy. The stuff of demons, the makeup of the Twisting Nether, and the personification of the nature of chaos itself. If they lose control, it will not be only their foes who have to fear their might!Yet, it is also the Demoniac who is in control who is best suited to handling dangerous and even cursed magical artifacts, to battle the darkest of gods, spirits, and demons, or to research and watch the darkest the cosmos has to offer without losing their very minds.


Sayaad are a species of demon known for seduction. Sayaad are beautiful and intelligent, equally as they are clever and twisted. This demon can change their appearance at will to be either the feminine Succubus or the masculine Incubus.
Only the lesser varieties, little more than demonic draenei with a few boons of their own, are viable for success in a contest of will, and yet they, including Wrathguards, are among the toughest challenge a Demoniac can ask for!
A broad term from the common Felguard, the bulking smith or mechanically altered engineer, to the diminutive Gan’arg, almost more machine then demon. The more machine they are, the harder it is to truly entrap them, as they are more firmly rooted in their physical form, but only the most intelligent of mo’arg are too dangerous for a contest of will.
Similar to the Man'ari but ever more cunning and twisted, if perhaps lacking in the same raw strength as their comparison. They are nevertheless an exceedingly difficult, but possible, challenge.
Weak on their own, but often sly with the mind of a trickster. It is easy to underestimate, and thus fall victim to the trickery of an imp. Do not underestimate them, and gain the power! Though all imp varieties are available, from the lowly imp, to the imp lord, to even an imp mother!
Comparable only to the mere imp, Wyrmtongue are cowardly demons, easy to underestimate, but deeply malevolent. Understand that if they think they can get away with something, they’ll try.
Most shivarra are in fact out of the reach of even the most talented Demoniacs, their faith and zeal in Sargeras makes their own will unbreakable, and some are even known to exceed thirty feet in height! However, not all are this potent, there are lesser shivarra, more on the scale of mere succubi and incubi that are challengeable.
Though not much is known about these spider demons, beyond their fierce cunning, keen minds, and agile bodies, their challenge cannot be underestimated. It will be a fierce battle for control, but a worthy one if success is found… if you like spiders.
One of the three most difficult challenges. Inquisitor’s are extremely intelligent, investigative, and cruel. They are masters of obtaining information, breaking mortal minds, and familiar with torturing souls to get there too! Blind their eyes to have any hope of victory.
One of the three most difficult challenges. Jailer’s aren’t quite as nasty as Inquisitor’s, but their familiarity with the mortal soul is second to none. Their very existence is to capture, torture, and imprison souls, making them in effect the demonic opposite of a Demoniac. Remove the soul cage to have any hope of victory.
Including the Terrorguard, these are one of the three most difficult challenges. Not because of any particular knowledge of the soul, but because of their raw power. Doomguards are exceedingly potent, with a sixth sense for sacrificial magic as former minions of the Titans. Their grudge will stand the test of eternity until they die, or they get even. Lure them with trapped sacrifices to have any hope of victory.
In a pure battle of willpower, an Observer is impossible to defeat. Yet, these demons are the most curious ones, most even lack that same evil desire to disrupt order. Their one true interest is magic. The more interesting magic to taste, the better to tempt them with. Bargain smartly, obey the terms, and do not try and shackle them the same way as other demons. Appease them to stay under control if you can, anything else will end poorly.


Demoniac’s Threads
Mojo-imbued runecloth is incorporated somewhere on a Demoniac’s person, bolstering their resilience against Shadow and Fel-based magics to aid in their own ability to resist demons.
Fel Corruption
The cost of commanding such powers ensures only Shadow healing works properly on a Demoniac, and mutates their body in one way physically, perhaps making them stronger, tougher, or faster, but at the cost of another of these attributes. Some seek further mutation, and the demon itself is still very much alive and fighting for control. Demoniac’s have sometimes lost control of themselves for brief moments in time, only going to prove their will must be greater still!
Fel Boons
Fel energy mutates all it touches, it is the stuff of chaos after all, a Demoniac can shape how this energy afflicts them to gain powerful boons that alter their very being. Horns, wings, size growth, scaled hides, fiendish vision, and more are all possible!
Dark Gifts
The essence of the demon provides one with a dark gift, a choice of power that reflects the Demoniac’s desires with the power they’ve gained. Some use it to protect themselves, others empower allies at a cost, while others sacrifice all things to inflict devastating wounds.
Demonic Wards
Demoniac’s wishing to further restrain their inner demon will often get arcane-based tattoos to better manipulate the Fel energies within them, squeezing out more power from the demon before shackling it truly in the darkness of the soul.
Dark Apotheosis
Other Demoniac’s will instead draw more power from the demon, shackle-free, to access the full totality of its essence even at the cost of granting the demon more control and leverage in its efforts to gain control.


Occult Scholars
Many topics are often forbidden for research, some may fear the mental toll it would take on a normal troll, others for their heresy. Yet Demoniacs are considered an exception, for they have the strength of will to do so without fear.
Part of imprisoning a demon is to understand magic which binds and traps. Their mojo-enhanced threads are not for show, and it is necessary for a Demoniac to understand varied enchantments that are most effective against demons.
Demonic Exorcist
When a demon possesses a body, they subdue the soul and often torment it while puppeting their body. A Demoniac has faced this and turned the tables, it is only reasonable they can try the same on entities even a Witch Doctor might be too queasy to face.


Art by: Harkalé Linaï

Since ancient times, there has been a small sect of Zandalari who developed strange and bestial magic with knowledge gained from the Loa. This magic allows them to call allies from among the dinosaurs of the wilds. Some are skilled enough in this strange magic to also take on their attributes and even transform into one of these powerful beasts themselves. The practitioners of this bestial magic have come to be known as Dinomancers.

First and foremost, they are to be the main caretakers of the dinosaurs living in the Shadowtusk Beast Ward, ensuring their health and happiness. Beyond that, they are also expected to aid the Shadowtusk in dinosaur-related matters, whether that be in helping a member get a new dinosaur companion and raise them correctly or preventing a dinosaur from causing damage to Zul’gurub or it’s people or other similar matters. They are also to be able to arm their dinosaur allies with powerful siege armor and weaponry in order to tear down the fortified places in the world with living siege engines. If you are interested in training, please contact Zar'kajo.


Orb of Command
The Orb of Command is the primary beast-keeping tool of the Dinomancer, allowing them to take direct mind control of a dinosaur as well as communicate with them. It also allows them to heal dinosaurs and empower them greatly. This also allows them to cast the spell Adaptation, augmenting their physical bodies with dinosaur attributes for a short time.
Blood Trinkets
The Blood Trinket is a much smaller and less effective Orb of Command. It can only heal dinosaurs and communicate with them, but it’s also much easier to create and needs fewer materials.
Transformation Totems
The Transformation Totems are a gift to Dinomancers from the Loa of Shapes, Gonk.
These totems allow Dinomancers to take on the form of dinosaurs at their strongest. Through these tools, they can become any Dinosaur, from the Saurid and Raptor to the Threshadon and even the mighty Devilsaur. Though sometimes taxing on the mind and body depending on the form taken, the utility of these powerful totems is hard to ignore.


Stable Master
Dinomancers are the main caretakers of the beast pens, where many animals, including dinosaurs live and thrive. Trusting your pet, companion, or mount with a dinomancer is always a decision well made.
Skilled in various breeds of dinosaur, dinomancers make adept trainers and communicators with most. Dinomancers are fantastic to have when regarding the raising, breeding, and training of any dinosaur.


Art by: MiffedMist

A known and feared method of tactics portrayed by various Troll societies is the art of using constructs - golems, masks, and more - to act as vanguards or informants against the enemies of Trollkind. One such practitioner of this art is the Mojowright - and those who would dare to shape animation out of their creations are those who will not be defied on the field of battle.Masters of craftsmanship and magic, the Mojowright is trained in the art of creating mojo - coalesced magical essence - to infuse into and summon their constructs to their side. Each construct can serve a variety of purposes, but at the center, each creation’s purpose - as well as the Mojowright’s purpose - is to defend the society in which they live, and to serve the greater good of their people. One who seeks this path must be strong of will, for magic is a powerful force, and your force must be greater.

Art by: MiffedMist

Mojowrights are called upon to serve as crafters, builders, and enchanters of their societies.While their greatest strengths lie in forging animate weapons and conduits of magic, it isn’t uncommon for Mojowrights to have a good deal of knowledge when it comes to many forms of craftsmanship, such as architecture, engineering, blacksmithing, and so forth.However, more directly, the Mojowright will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of constructs - including the token golem - for the city’s defense. This requires a great deal of willpower and determination from the Mojowright - the weak-willed or those who easily succumb will find great difficulty choosing this path.In addition, all Mojowrights must be receptive to some form of magic - those who are, for some reason or another, unable to cast spells will not be able to complete their training. Many individuals wield magic in their own ways - thus, there is some creative freedom. Magic still remains a must for this path.If you're interested, please contact Nyundo


All Mojowrights are able to cast some form of magic or another, in whatever way seems appropriate. Regardless of purpose, this spell generates mojo, which is necessary to summon and animate constructs.
Summon Tiki Mask
The Tiki Mask, a staple Troll creation, is a harbinger of wrath for the Mojowright. The Mask is able to deal large amounts of damage and avoids all area-of-effect attacks. However, the Mojowright must channel their will into the Mask for the whole duration.
Summon Grace
The Ward, used for either healing or protection depending on the magic used to create it, is a useful construct in emergency support situations. The Ward will aid allies in need, and the Mojowright need not channel their will into it. However, it has a short duration, and is easily damaged.
Summon Golem
Perhaps the most famous construct of Troll society, the Golem acts as a bastion of defense for the Mojowright’s allies. Difficult to bring down, summoning a Golem allows field groups to rally behind the construct for extra protection.


Mojowright’s Scepter
This tool acts as the medium for the Mojowright to channel their will into constructs. Infused with part of the Mojowright’s own soul, and carrying the blessed power of the Mojowright’s Loa, this scepter is highly effective at controlling things - and perhaps, though dangerous, it could even be used to control other living beings.
Mojo-Forged Tools
Ranging from hammers for blacksmithing, knives for wood-carving, and even wrenches for engineering, these tools are enchanted to channel mojo into materials in an advanced enchanting technique.


Art by: MiffedMist

With an ill-perceived history in Jungle Troll society and a fearsome reputation to their title, Primals are a standing force of nature and a symbol of Trollkind’s connection to the wilds.Experts in the terrains of the world as well as its natural order, a Primal is a Troll who relishes in the more simple instincts that guide actions, giving into an animalistic side often shunned by society and deemed improper. This side, sometimes referred to as the ‘beast within’, is reflected in the changes that acceptance of this nature brings unto the Primal.Twisted jaws, gnarled claws, and thickened skin and fur are often the signs of the ‘Ascended’, presenting a grizzly appearance that often reinforces their poor stereotyping. But these changes are simply the Primal’s tools to survive in the world they choose.No Primal’s changes in self, body or mind come from the Loa; these changes are brought about by strength of self and personal growth. There are no blessings to their path, no ritual or sacrifice, only the blurring of what is Trollish, and what is wild.

Art by: Monica Huffaker

Within the Clan environment, Primals are expected to help in most any way another troll would be, and are often valued hunters, trackers, and protectors of its people. This becomes difficult at times when they are perceived by others as walking weapons or beastial by people less than trusting. Within Shadowtusk most Primals have always held a balance between those that respect them and those that fear them which can become taxing.


Slinking through the brush, Cunning Primals are often those who mediate their assaults with careful wit and caution. The perfect ambush is their goal, to catch their unknowing prey off guard and end a fight with a well-placed blow. Often pack hunters, Cunning Primals communicate best with their fellows-- organizing as well as you could expect a group of Primals to amidst the chaos of a battlefield.
Masters of the art of outlasting your opponent and whittling them down, Tenacity Primals are those who become the protectors of their pack. Often bearing more physical armor through their mutations, they can take more of a beating than their packmates, acting as an immovable wall under the right circumstances. Tenacity Primals are often, but not always, mammal aspects.
Hungry and territorial to a fault, Ferocity Primals are often what comes to mind when one thinks of this walk of life. They crave to take their share first, are defensive of what they have claimed as their own, and have a proclivity for recklessness when in the thralls of their rampages. While no Primal is truly out of control, a Ferocity Primal is the most likely to look the part.


These vary depending on the primal

These are common in primal mutations. Growing from the bone of a primal's fingertip, these are not nails, but keratin shaped over bone.
Primals adapt teeth to match their aspects and the diet of said aspects. Their jaw structure will shift to complement these, often resulting in a strangely shaped jawline or a jutting mouth.
Hide & Pelt
Skin thickens on all Primals to some degree, creating a natural equivalent to leather armor. The rest, however, is drastically dependent on their aspect.
Consistent among Primals is the way their muscles are constructed changing. They grow thicker and denser, resulting in more strength in the same mass as any Troll who worked for the same extent.
Sensory Changes
Most Primals gain a generally elevated set of senses, but often one will trump the rest! Be it their eyesight sharp as a hawk, hearing beyond the best of trackers, or scent to contest a bear, Primals generally have one sense above the rest of what they gain.


More often than not, Primals prefer to use their own natural weapons in a fight, backed by their own strength. However, many often carry weapons with them as well for a variety of reasons, commonly to help in staving off a poorly timed rampage. Using a weapon that isn’t attached to you can help manage your state of mind in the midst of chaotic combat.
Primals rarely take to true armor, preferring unrestrained movement and their own adapted hides. While it’s not able to prevent all injuries, in many cases a Primal will function perfectly well without additional armor other than comfortable garb for modesty.
The most important objects to Primals are their trinkets, sometimes called security trinkets. They can take a variety of forms. Each holds importance to the Primal for personal reasons, is generally carried somewhere on their person, and is among the most effective ways to stave away rampages-- or end them before they run their course. Trinkets will not force a Primal to cease, however, simply reminding them of aspects of themselves that occurred only because of society and edging the threads of a typical thought process back towards their minds.


Art by: MiffedMist (Bwomaka)

Long have Trolls known to stalk in the dappled shadows of the undergrowth, to use a nimble body and quick mind in turn for petty crime, hunting game, or more direct assault. Stealth comes naturally to many of their kind. Some Trolls are content with this subtlety they carry, and others take a drastic step further; walking a plane of non-existence and toeing the line of becoming something less than their bloodlines, something that stalks with spirits and brushes against the seams of reality itself.The Veil is a non-linear realm in which time flows drastically faster the farther you stray from our reality, leaving the Shadow Walker to trek through it alone, crossing Zul’Gurub to Zul’Aman in weeks of solitary from their perspective, but a day or two in the eyes of the Clan. It is the vast yet comparably insignificant space that tethers the Shadowlands, the Void, and the Waking World to one another, through which spirits drift on their way to their final rest.

In the context of the Shadowtusk, a Shadow Walker is a masterful scout, and capable of traversing long distances in fractions of the time of even a mounted Troll, albeit only from the outside perspective. The ability to slip between realms allows for interesting approaches to problems and leaves them a valuable asset when a common rogue can’t quite make the grade.Additionally, the training to prepare for the Veil leaves a successful Shadow Walker able to control their emotions to an extreme degree-- they often make a wonderful second perspective when a Witch Doctor or Shadow Hunter cannot make a ruling for you, or your mind is clouded by the emotional attachment to an issue. As well as this, their path requires deep devotion. While not every Shadow Walker is a priest, many are devout and more than capable of representing their Loa to a lesser degree.There is a final unspoken benefit to the Veil, however; filling one’s blood with a consuming strain of magic lends itself to becoming a rather effective source of anti-magical force. Shadow Walkers are capable of resisting harmful magic to a degree, repurposing the energy, and fuelling their own blows in turn. They are expected to use this skill to the benefit of the clan against foes who might seek to tear through our forces with various spell power and help in cleansing magical ailments when others cannot first.


Veil Shroud
Not to be confused with merely hiding in the darkness, a Shadow Walker’s Stealth grants the ability to blend their silhouette using a superficial covering of living shadow. This chameleon effect will not eliminate sound but will aid in muffling it, as well as scents. They aren’t impossible to detect, but they’re highly difficult to spot.
Veil Step
Shadow Walkers may enter and exit the Veil at will. Time flows at a rapid pace within, and some outside viewers may simply think they teleported from place to place. This is an effective means to avoid MOST incoming damage, as most enemies will not be able to follow, see, or harm you within. There are always exceptions, however. As well as this, in times where it may come up, a Shadow Walker can force another person into the Veil, or remove them-- this takes an excess of energy, however, and is rarely utilized.
Gather Shadows
Shadow Walkers thrive off of darkness and can use their time to meditate to build up their ability to use the powers of the Veil. Shadow Walkers are also sustained by shadows and they can opt to use this generated darkness to restore themselves instead if the situation calls for it.
Cloak of Shadows
Akin to stealth, a superficial covering of shadow can be called upon and concentrated to allow the Shadow Walker to absorb more than their blood passively allowed. They can keep themselves safe from or even cleanse incoming harmful effects if they’re clever about how it’s used.
Spell Siphon
When focusing their efforts strictly on the consuming aspects of their innate magic, a Shadow Walker can absorb incoming magic in a constructive way for themselves, potentially stopping allies from coming to harm in the process. If not used carefully, however, they can swiftly be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of energy.
Black Mirror
With sufficient practice in conjuring up their shadows and a developed Veil Form, a Shadow Walker can learn to make use of the magic that they absorb with their siphoning abilities! They can turn the dangerous magic of their enemies back upon them.
Living Shadow
All Shadow Walkers give up, albeit slowly and indirectly, their physical health to an extent when they tread deep enough into this path. Potent shadow magic as controllable as an extra limb that courses through their blood, weaving in strands through their muscle, and permeates their very bones. This leaves them highly flexible if thin as their body doesn’t rely entirely on the limitations of the flesh, as well as cutting back their need for food, water, and oxygen. The cost of these benefits however is a weakness to holy light, which burns a Shadow Walker as fire would even when intended to heal. In the eyes of strict classification, training leaves your Troll and Aberration.
Symbiotic Shadow
With their connection to the Veil, a Shadow Walker can breathe life into their shadow and have it fight alongside them by stitching it to life with their connection to the Veil. It strikes alongside them and has much the same strengths as the Shadow Walker, making them very dangerous companions to contend with.
Veil Form
After sufficient time within the Veil, each Troll (or any other race that inhabits the space freely) will develop an altered form of themselves, with some able to shift between this state and this normal Trollish self while in the Veil. This form does not always resemble them visually, but rather it is based on their emotional state. Things such as who they think they are, what they want to be, things that burden them, or traits they admire are taken and twisted, leaving behind an amalgamation of heightened aspects of the Shadow Walker.


Generally, a Shadow Walker doesn’t have any truly identifying pieces of armor or weapons, as subtlety is favored above identity. Cloth or leather is often chosen for being quiet and easy to enchant to resist the deterioration the Veil puts on most physical objections. For weaponry, they lean towards precise and lightweight items whenever possible. Shade’s Blood strips much of their strength, although not all, and precision goes hand in hand with an ambush.Specialized leathers can be obtained as an additive to any Shadow Walker’s training on request.These leathers are called ‘Shadeskin’ leathers, and will not decay within the Veil whatsoever. They are often resistant to shadow magic. Otherwise, it’s possible to reinforce armor aggressively to prevent the decay if you must use something else! This is entirely for flavor as of our current roll system.


Art by: MiffedMist

Masters of voodoo arts and martial discipline.The predators waiting in the dark of the night.Those who walk a path not just between light and dark, but order and disorder.Shadow Hunters.Leaders, judges, and elite warriors all, there is no denying their importance to troll society at large, and almost every tribe has them. Mixing crippling, deadly curses and blessings with resplendent healing, these zealots are oft unpredictable as they are beholden wholly to their capricious gods: The Dark Six. Yet their power (albeit more-so the power of their pantheon) cannot be denied.In-game, Shadow Hunters have always represented the elite or the leadership of jungle tribes, and their abilities are for the most part without ken. Thankfully, the Shadowtusk Clan does its best to tame this while remaining faithful to the aforementioned abilities and power-level of the Prestige Class. Just remember: The loa’s gifts are not your own and can be revoked.

In STC, there are quite a few responsibilities for a Shadow Hunter to consider. The first is neutrality - You must not only balance your light and your darkness but your chaos and law. Doing so will prevent you from falling into a state unfit for society, or perhaps too authoritarian for society to progress as necessary. Either that or too cruel and too kind. There must always be a disparity.Ultimately, these values will assist in your most important of duties; aiding the clan in war-time and matters of judging your comrades. All are the same beneath the eyes of the loa. Hear all sides, tame your pride, and lead while you serve.Naturally, becoming a Shadow Hunter is a feat not easily achieved. While many Shadow Hunters have ascended through the in-clan ranks, this is not a requirement if it does not interest you.The rank of ‘lesser shadow hunter’ has been removed to avoid confusion; however, this does not mean your character gets a free pass on judging issues and offering their unbiased thoughts. Shadow Hunters who have neither the rank of Master nor Atal’alarion, are still expected to be judges to some degree, though far more minor. You are expected to be able and willing to provide advice to those who seek it from you, provide your thoughts to them based on the evidence provided, and escalate the issues up the ranks if it is necessary. Civil disputes that do not warrant the involvement of an Atal’alarion or Antu’zul are ones you may be expected to maintain civility in, or serving to remind your clanmates of the laws if you are concerned things might get out of hand. Shadow Hunters who hold the rank of Atal’alarion or Antu’zul are expected to take these duties a step further, to the degree that their rank allows (including peacekeeping, punishments, and further escalation if it becomes necessary). This keeps things clean and uncrowded by multiple judges of law and order. It should be noted that your power is ultimately up to experience, not rank. Your master will likely always be stronger than you are from pure experience.“Our duty is to lead and serve. We are beholden to our loa, but the Clan looks up to us. We must set an example for them. We must be the best we can be. The best they can be.”Shadow Hunters are varied in their abilities, and thus often varied in their responsibility. Some are destined to tend to civil matters as a judge, while others may simply be forces of death on the battlefield. Some may assist in burials or religious advisement, while others may heal and protect their allies which hold rank in the Clan. We are not all masters of one thing, we are a jack of trades, but many tend to find a particular niche. I would advise finding yours.

Art by: Darukin


Blessing of Legba
Legba is a loa of motion and a master of grace. Their gift is unsurprising with that consideration, as they bestow upon the Shadow Hunter their gait.
Blessing of Lukou
Lukou is the Shadow Hunter's loa of healing and respite. The gift which she grants her faithful is able to mend the wounds of the Shadow Hunter’s allies, but only at a great cost.
Blessing of Samedi
Graves. Death. Peaceful slumber. Samedi is much alike the more affluent and influential Bwonsamdi, and many argue they are one and the same. No matter the truth of this debate, he takes on the rather severe view that all undead are abominations and must be purged. He reviles them and necromancers to the point he often encourages Shadow Hunters to slay them. One must always bear in mind the laws of their given society but provided a particular undead is unprotected, then his blessing will do nicely.
Blessing of Shango
Chaos for the sake of growth. Storms that leave nothing but shrapnel and upheaval in their wake. Shango, to the Shadow Hunters, is the Father of Lightning. Unpredictable as the power he wields, he bestows upon his faithful one of the Six’s most potent blessings: The Stormspear! This may be thrown as a wicked, exploding javelin or a bolt of lightning that jumps from foe to foe if they are in close vicinity. While it may take other forms, these are primarily what is used.
Blessing of Ogoun
Chaos and war. These are the domain of Ogoun, and it is Shadow Hunter's belief that these things were its twin children. Ogoun is as faceless (or perhaps as many-faced) as war and chaos themselves. As such, Order was created simply to balance and curtail him. He is, perhaps, one of the strongest voices within the head of trained Shadow Hunters. They must beware of giving in too much to his potent influence or fall into madness.
Blessing of Dambala
The Father of Lies and Serpents. A loa of murder and betrayal. Dambala’s spawn are the clever snakes, and it is through him the Shadow Hunters are given one of their mightiest blessings: His Avatar! Shedding their flesh in an often grotesque and agonizing fashion, those who invoke the might of Dambala can pick from one of two powerful forms: The Adder or the Cobra.


Supervise Sacrifices
Make sure each loa gets their fill. We should never let ourselves fall out of a particular god’s graces.
Bless Hunts and Wars: We must assure that our warriors and those who provide our food return home safely. Care for them through prayer, or literal blessings to enhance.
Be Present
To abandon one’s clan is to abandon one’s duty. Be there to aid them, and answer their questions.
We are unbiased. Unwavering. Conflicts and issues passed before your eyes (provided they are yours to judge) must be solved with these two things at the forefront.
We are the elite. The ones open to the truth of balance. We must protect the Clan at any cost, no matter our emotional attachments.
Many in the clan do not understand the balance as we do, nor do they think with pure pragmatism. We must guide them in spirit and in word towards greatness.
Ritual Support
In the absence of a priest of necessary piece of a ritual, the Shadow Hunter can always fill in. Most loa respect our presence enough to accept such.


This mask is a core piece of the Shadow Hunter fantasy. While it is no longer necessary for calling upon the gifts of the Dark Six per recent lore, it is nevertheless an important training wheel and ceremonial mask that represents the very being of the Shadow Hunter. It is their face - That which their allies will know to recognize at home and on the battlefield.Even Vol’jin had one, despite his tendency to take it off towards the end of his life. Never take it off lightly, and never dispose of it as if it means nothing. It is how you can commune with your loa and is thus not easily replaceable. You'll have to get it reimbued by your master if you lose it!
Transmog restrictions in-game aside, glaives have always been important weapons to Shadow Hunters. Thankfully, until this is changed, certain one-handed sword models, fist weapons, and quick-striking polearms are suitable substitutes. A clan favorite has been the use of ‘Hexblades’ - Swords that are imbued with the Shadow Hunter’s blood and cursed with terrible hexes that will afflict those that they strike.
This special whetstone is small and lightweight, but sturdy. It keeps blades especially keen, perhaps owing in part to a small blessing by Dambala for etching the stone with the likeness of his fangs or form. It is otherwise mundane.
Spirit Aspect Totem
Before a Shadow Hunter receives a vision of their Spirit Aspect, they are instructed to construct a totem off of instinct alone; usually from random materials. While the ultimate product is the pinnacle of ramshackle, it serves as housing for their beast once they find and recover it. All of these totems are extremely unique to the owner.
Armor Style
Shadow Hunters like to keep it light and traditional. Bones, hide and trinkets are all encouraged, though some of the more opulent tribes will wear gleaming metal. The legs must be unstifled, so kilts and robes are a no-go. Chain-mail and light plate can work, along with priestly cloth, so long as it isn’t so weak that being caught in the melee would be your doom. It pays to be protected, but don't sacrifice agility either.


Art by: MiffedMist

Even the smallest of creatures can possess the guile and cunning to overthrow the greatest of hunters. Even a commoner can end the reign of a mighty King. From the Shadra'Zan of Zandalar to the Cult of Hethiss in Zul'Gurub and beyond, there have always been mystics and assassins alike who realized this truth. Be they devout or revolutionary, these trolls have taken their peoples' natural affinity for alchemy and chosen to master perhaps its most deadly manifestation: Poison. An indiscriminate, subtle killer.These masters and mistresses of toxins undergo a rigorous regimen of acquiring, refining, and imbibing some of their own most potent concoctions in order to develop an immunity to the tools of their trade. This process leaves them both extremely knowledgeable on a vast array of poisons both natural and hand-crafted, and the ideal means of delivering a swift and often excruciating death to those they deem deserving.

The familiarity and mastery of all manner of toxins, and the life forms that produce them, means that venomancers will often be called for a number of tasks. These responsibilities would include procuring and identifying various toxins, breeding and maintaining beasts or plants that produce toxins, and even acting as the swift, envenomed blade of the Clan.Religion and voodoo are core aspects of a venomancers pragmatism and skill and as such, they will both be asked to work within the constraints of the clan and be a helpful voice in matters of the toxic loa they often affiliate themselves with.


Poison bolt / Poison Bolt Volley
A simple ranged spell where venom of one's choosing is summoned and sent at one or multiple targets.
Breath of Poison
The venomancer is able to open their maw and spew forth a cloud of poison, depending on the type of poison this can be countered by closing one's eyes and not inhaling. Though this will vary depending on the type of venom the venomancer is using.
Toxic Link
The venomancer can form a bond of venom between two selected targets, forcing them to suffer the effects of being close to one another so that the venom may be transferred between them. The targets must choose if they wish to remain where they are and continue fighting or put distance between them to break the bond.
Toxic Totem
While it has many uses, the toxic totem created by the venomancer can be placed in a central location where it can pulse waves of venom until disabled. If extensive damage is taken by the totem it might need to be rebuilt entirely.
Poison Purge
At a distance, this ability can pull the toxins and venoms recently applied to a target from it and dispel any effects that it might have on the individual. Depending on the progression of the venom it might take more work or skill at a close range.
Toxic Cloud
Using poison from their totem the venomancer can draw forth clouds of poisonous gasses to either send into clusters of enemies or explode around themselves in order to make a quick escape.
At a close range using a sharp implement the venomancer can pull poisons through the air to cut into an opponent and envenom them directly.
Whispers of Venom
The venomancer uses their magic in order to quickly pump venom through the veins of their intended target to speed the process of the toxins taking hold of their system.
Words of Venom
This channeled spell pulses venom into a target with stacking pain as the volleys continue to strike consecutively.
Toxic Torment
The venomancer can speed the process of venom moving through the bloodstream or slow it based upon their choosing.
Toxic Soul
Summons a toxic effigy of a creature to fight for you in a limited timespan. At the end of the set duration, there is a period of time where the soul can not be summoned forth again until it has had ample time to manifest.


Being masters of toxic voodoo is useful in eliminating beings deemed dangerous to the Clan by the Chief or the Antu'zul.
Advise members of the Clan on different toxins and on how to prepare them to their utmost effectiveness.
A venomancer is in part a servant to a higher power and as such might be asked to help lead in rites and rituals where their chosen loa is concerned and offer advice and insight to potential motives of the loa, though they will never speak directly for them.
Supply your people by brewing, breeding, growing, and maintaining a stock of toxic creatures and plants.
Support in the heat of battle by conjuring and using crippling and deadly toxins to wreak havoc on the enemies of the Clan.
Emergency Medic
Administer antidotes to members of the Clan who’ve found themselves on the business end of an envenomed blade, stinger, arrow, etc.


Art by: Crookfish

Secondary perhaps only to their faith in their worship of the Loa, Trolls are a race who fear and respect the power of the spirits. Great crypts and monuments have been built to honor the dead since their first days. In times of strife, Trolls often beseech the wisdom of their ancestors.Those who would speak for the spirits are known as Witch Doctors. Adept in both Voodoo and the brewing of many potions, it is a Witch Doctor’s duty to help balance the needs of the living and the dead. Theirs is the power to bolster their allies or cripple their foes through invoking and binding those who came before them, and through their experience, help to guide their people.The path of the Witch Doctor is as varied as the individuals who choose to walk it. Will you be a gentle hand that soothes your Clanmates’ suffering, or focus your energies on visiting that suffering upon their enemies threefold? Or, perhaps, you’ll try to walk the fine line between…

This can take the form of invoking the blessing of the spirits to empower the worthy or leveling the field by debilitating the Clan’s enemies with powerful curses. Upon the battlefield, it is therefore expected that a Witch Doctor shall work from the rear so they can more easily assess the situation and choose how best to support their comrades.When not called to action, a Witch Doctor’s duties focus chiefly upon guiding and uplifting those around them. Through communion with the spirits, they may be able to offer experience or perspective beyond what those present may be able to provide. Their keen alchemical knowledge complements their mysticism in helping to aid the sick and the wounded physically, mentally, and spiritually. A Witch Doctor may sometimes find themselves called upon to help organize rituals to honor the greatest of spirits, the Loa, in the absence of an appropriate Priest.This is a duty they share with their fellow masters of Voodoo, the Shadow Hunters.Upon rare occasions, it may become necessary for a Witch Doctor to actively seek out and address threats that would serve to misguide or corrupt the very souls of their fellow Trolls. The nature of these threats can vary greatly, but the versatility of a Witch Doctor’s magical and alchemical prowess coupled with the wisdom of their


Chant of Terror
By stirring the spirits into a howling, hungry swarm eager to cause chaos, a Witch Doctor may spread terror across the battlefield to help halt the enemy’s momentum.
Song of Shelter
This soothing melody helps both to calm the spirits and to guide their hands in shielding a Witch Doctor’s allies temporarily from harm.
Song of Fervor
Rippling across an area like wildfire, this call to action imbues a Witch Doctor’s allies with enhanced zeal and might as the spirits carry them to victory.
Twisting Fate
A truly skilled Witch Doctor knows that concepts like time and causality lose much of their meaning to the dead. Invoking this power allows them to use this to bend the circumstances


Medicinal Aid
By supplying potions and soothing magics, a Witch Doctor may help in recovery from wounds, disease, and other ailments.
Both from a religious and mundane perspective, the Witch Doctor may act as a confidant and offer advice and wisdom to the trolls of the Clan.
Ritual Support
In the absence of an appropriate Priest, a Witch Doctor may help to organize and carry out the necessary rites to honor the mighty Loa.
Though rare in these times, a Witch Doctor may be called upon to coerce or compel a spirit to cease a haunting or possession. Sometimes, these spirits may be deemed too dangerous to be allowed to roam free and will be bound to a fetish or destroyed utterly.
Battle Support
Before or during a battle, a Witch Doctor’s blessings and potions may mean the difference between life and death for their allies.


Any Troll of this rank has just begun to undertake their first steps in learning the way of the Witch Doctor. Training will be primarily focused upon introducing some of the fundamental concepts governing the magic they will learn. At this level, it is expected that one will learn basic alchemy and the name of each unique tool at the class’s disposal.
Attaining this station means that the aspirant has undergone the ritual expansion of their senses, helping to better hone their ability to perceive the auras and essence of spirits around them. Now they will be expected to learn how to make use of that perception. Skills expected by the end of this phase include the ability to locate or conjure a spirit and fashion a vessel for it to inhabit, allowing the creation of totems and fetishes.
Any Troll of this rank is on the cusp of completing their time in training. They can expect to be taught how to make use of the versatile Hex Chants for combat, and begin to learn the art of projecting themselves beyond the Veil separating the mortal world and The Other Side so that they might beseech the spirits’ aid in their own element.
Witch Doctor


Taz'dingo. I'm Klippy'mon.
If you're assuming I don't get paid for this, you're right.

A lot of terms are used in our rolling system. To assist with any confusion, we've made lists of various terms and their definitions. If something on this list confuses you or you have questions regarding a term, please contact Mohtoh.



The clan uses five main stats/attributes in our D20 combat system.

This stat ties to your character’s physical toughness. This stat is used for enduring trauma and standing your ground.
Everyone begins with 5HP baseline. Each point in constitution increases base HP by 1.
EX: Ba'nana places +2 points in CON. She now has 7HP instead of 5HP.
Constitution is used for checks and saves holding one's ground.
Ex: Ba'nana finds herself in a twister. She rolls a CON check to see if she's blown away.
Negative points placed in constitution will take away from base HP.
EX: Ba'nana places -2 in CON. She now has 3 HP instead of 5 HP.

This stat reflects your character’s physical agility. This stat is used for moving precisely and striking with keen precision or ranged weapons.
Used to attack with a light melee or ranged weapons.
EX: Ba'nana wants to attack using her daggers, then next round with her cross-bow. She'll roll both attacks using DEX.
Dexterity is used for stealth and other terrain checks/saves.
EX: Ba'nana is planning a quick escape! She must attempt to hide from guards. She'll roll DEX.

This stat ties to your character’s general smarts. This attribute is used for knowing useful tidbits of information and for damaging magic.
Used to resist mental magic, figure out puzzles, and assist in hostile spellcasting.
EX: Ba'nana conjures a firebolt and launches it at her enemy. She does this by rolling INT.
Intellect is used for general knowledge and problem solving.
EX: Ba'nana seeks to solve a cryptogram by memory. She rolls INT to solve the puzzle.

This stat ties to your character’s intuition and judgment capabilities. This stat is used for assessing other people and for healing magic.
Used to resist mental magic and assist in the casting of healing spells.
EX: Ba'nana sends a wave of light to heal her allies. She rolls WIS.
Wisdom is used for reviving and shielding allies, as well as checks regarding perception.
EX: Ba'nana senses a strange aura. She rolls WIS to determine what it belongs to.

This attribute ties to your character’s physical strength. This attribute is used for overpowering your enemies or for striking with all your might.
Used to overpower foes and attack with heavy weaponry or bare fists.
EX: Ba'nana swings her two-handed axe at an enemy. They must roll STR for this attack.
Strength is often used for physically strenuous checks and saves.
EX: Ba'nana must lift a stone slab which is crushing an ally. They must roll STR in hopes to be successful.



D10 is not intended to be used with abilities, equipment, or other mechanics found in our D20 system.

This is a Miss! Whatever you were attempting has failed.
This is a Hit! You may Attack or Heal for 1 point.
This is a Critical Hit! You may Attack or Heal for 2 points.


D20 uses abilities, equipment, and other mechanics that may change outcomes of dice rolls, including their range.

Natural 1~
This is a Critical Failure! Whatever action attempted has failed miserably.
DM(s) involved may determine an appropriate consequence for the action.
Critical Failure at a Saving Throw causes the player to take double the hazard's initial damage, before any modifiers, if not aided by an ally.
This is a standard Miss. While you have not succeeded, nothing catastrophic should result.
A successful Hit! Attacks or Heals within this range are worth 1 point.
A spectacular Hit! Attacks or Heals within this range are worth 2 points.
Rolls within this range are also nearly always a Success on a Skill Check if one is being attempted.
A crushing Hit! Attacks or Heals within this range are worth 3 points.
Natural 20~
A critical hit! Attacks or Heals within this range are worth 5 points!
DM(s) are also encouraged to reward good luck to balance the risk of Critical Failures.
Critical Success at a Saving Throw allows the player to protect an ally as well as themselves, if applicable.


Shielding: Bonus Hit Points that go away at your next turn’s start. Shielding is lost first when you take damage. This cannot be sacrificed.Temporary HP: Bonus Hit Points that last until they are lost by taking damage. This can stack from multiple sources Temporary HP is lost first when you take damage, unless you have Shielding.Combat/Encounter: A battle with hostile forces that has a clear beginning and end point within an event.Initiative: A roll at the start of a combat/encounter that determines who goes first.Shadowtusk Turn: During a round, when the Shadowtusk is currently taking actions.Enemy Turn: During a round, when the enemy side is currently taking actions.Start of Turn: Something that happens before any rolls are made on a turn.End of Turn: Something that happens at the end of a turn.Action: Something that takes your turn to do.Free Action: Something that can be done on your turn without taking up your action. If
something does not specify it takes an action to do, it can be done as a free action.
Reaction: Something that can be done in response to something that happens. If something can be done as a reaction, it will note it in its description.Roll Bonus: Numbers you add to your D20 roll.Roll Penalty: Numbers you subtract to your D20 roll.Critical Failure/Success: If you roll a 1 on the die, that is a critical failure. No matter what your roll bonuses are, you fail. If you roll a 20 on the die, that is a critical success and get benefits depending on what you are rolling for.Critical Range: The amount of numbers on a D20 roll that count for Critical Success. To start, you have a Critical Range of 1 and a 20 is Critical Success. Anything that increases your Critical Range includes the next highest number on the die. I.E. If you had a critical range of 2, Critical Success would be on a roll of 19, or 20. If you had a critical range of 3, Critical Success would be on a roll of 18, 19, or 20.DC: Difficulty Challenge. This determines what you need to roll to determine success at a task.Scaling DC: A DC that has levels of success.Skill Check: A roll made to attempt an action related to an attribute. You roll this with a roll bonus equal to your attribute.Buff: An effect that enhances you, your allies, or your enemies.Debuff: An effect that hinders you, your allies, or your enemies.Attack: An action that can be used to deal damage to an opponent or an ally. This can be done with Strength for heavy physical attacks, Dexterity for precision or ranged physical attacks, and Intelligence for magical attacks. You get a roll bonus equal to your attribute for these attacks. Your damage is determined by a scaling DC.Heal: An action that can be used to restore Hit Points to an ally or an opponent. You get a roll bonus equal to your Wisdom attribute when you attempt to heal. Your healing is determined by a scaling DC.Base Damage/Healing: The damage/healing you do that is determined by the roll of your attack/heal after roll bonuses apply.Double Damage/Healing: Unless specified otherwise, double damage/healing means you double the base damage/healing.Bonus Damage: An added amount of damage to your total damage for the turn. If you attack multiple times in a turn, you only add your bonus damage once unless effects specify otherwise.Rounding: Any effect that causes damage or healing to be halved is rounded in favor of the Shadowtusk, unless specified otherwise. I.E. Damage taken by us is rounded down to a minimum of 1, damage taken by the enemy is rounded up.Saving Throw: A roll made typically in order to avoid taking damage and debuffs. This will specify an attribute or attributes and you may add one of these to your roll as a roll bonus. If you roll a critical success, you can treat an ally who failed this roll as someone who made it.AoE: Area of Effect. An attack or effect like this strikes an area, hitting everyone within.Damage Type: The elemental affiliation of damage you take. This is generally split between Arcane, Fel, Holy, Nature, Necrotic, Physical, and Shadow.Damage Reduction: An effect that reduces damage you take. Unless otherwise noted, it cannot reduce damage you take below 1.Damage Immunity: An effect that reduces all damage of a specific damage type you take to 0.Sacrifice: Self-inflicted damage that cannot be mitigated by any means, it can't be redirected, reduced, or prevented. It ignores Shields, but can be paid in Temporary HP.Close Range: A measure of distance that is between the origin of an effect and about three yards. Roughly within one WoW raid marker of the origin.Mid Range: A measure of distance that is between the outer edge of Close Range and seven yards from the origin of an effect. Roughly within one WoW raid marker of Close Range.Long Range: A measure of distance that covers anything farther away from the origin of the effect than Mid Range.


Item: A tool used to help give people more options in D20 events. This is split up into four categories.Armor: A type of item. You may only use one armor at a time. The damage type listed on this gives you damage reduction towards that type of damage.Weapon:A type of item. You may only use one weapon at a time. The damage type listed is the damage type this weapon deals.Trinket: A type of item. You may only use two trinkets at a time.Base Abilities: Unique abilities that flesh out what a character can do in D20 events. These are broken up into Universal Abilities and Class Based Abilities. If you benefit from subclass training, you can choose three base abilities. If you do not benefit from subclass training, you can choose five base abilities.Universal Ability: A base ability that can be taken by anyone. You must have at least two of these base abilities.Class Based Ability: A base ability that can be taken only if your character is not benefiting from subclass training.Companion: An extension of yourself that can be gained and modified by Universal Base Abilities and items.Minion: Summoned by an item or ability, cannot be targeted, and has an attached 'Temporary HP' to them. You gain this Temporary HP. While you have this Temporary HP, you take an additional point of damage from AoE for each minion you have. When the Temporary HP from your minion is lost, you lose the minion.



Advantage: A buff that allows you to roll a D20 twice and take the higher result. This can be applied to allies as an action.Control: A debuff that allows you to take control of a target on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.Disadvantage: A debuff that forces you to roll a D20 twice and take the lower result. This takes an action to apply.Disarm: A debuff that removes a weapon from someone on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.Dispel: A buff or debuff that removes a magical effect on a target. This takes an action to apply.Empower: A scaling buff that gives a roll bonus depending on the result. This takes an action to apply.Fear: A scaling debuff that gives a roll penalty depending on the result. This takes an action to apply.Immobilize: A debuff that prevents someone from moving on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.Resistance: A scaling buff that reduces damage taken from one specific damage type. This takes an action to apply.Revive: A buff that can be used to bring a KO’d player above 0 Hit Points. This takes an action to apply.Shield: A scaling buff that applies shielding to a target. This takes an action to apply.Silence: A debuff that prevents someone from using a spell on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.[Slow:] A debuff that removes an action from someone on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.Stun: A debuff that prevents someone doing anything on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.Taunt: A debuff that forces someone to use an action against the debuffer on their next turn or to get disadvantage on their first action on their next turn. This takes an action to apply.Stealth: A skill check that takes your action. If successful, you manage to hide your presence from enemies until the end of your next turn.


What are the Relics of the Shadowtusk?
The Relics of the Shadowtusk are prestigious weapons earned, and retrieved, by the Shadowtusk Clan over the years.
Why must we fight for them?
The relics are the Shadowtusk most powerful weapons. Only to be rewarded to the winner of the Relic Tournament!
To fight for these relics are to prove oneself worthy of wielding such powerful items.
What and When are the Relic Tournaments?
Relic Tournaments are hosted every 3-4+ months; provided it possible to host them during the time. The Relic Tournaments consist or a 1-2+ night tournament where Tusks sign up to show their might against one another, in hopes of claiming one of these powerful weapons.
How do I sign up?
To participate in the Relic Tournament, you must apply on your most active character (your main), and be ranked Ai'shi or above. The application sheet will be provided a week or so before the tournament.
Signing up for more than one weapon will disqualify you, no matter your reasoning.You can change which weapon you've signed up for up until the day before the event, and sign ups will close 1 Hour Before the tournament.Atal’kaz, Undying Hunger of the Sands
(Appearance: Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver)
A tri-bladed ax decorated in the skull of a Blood Drinker twisted inadvertently by the voodoo coursing through the blade. The ax never seems to gleam regardless of how much light shines upon it. The handle of petrified wood is wrapped in mummification bandages and, when focusing, one could feel what seems to be a light thumping coming from the weapon when wielding it, almost as if it had a heartbeat. The tusks of a Dire Troll serve as additional points upon the weapon to impale foes.Chiefslayer, Skull of Gorgonnoth
(Appearance: Skull of Man’ari [Pride of the Pitlord])
A jaw-less Pit Lord Skull forms the weapon itself, emanating with fel energy, but the true source of power comes in the accompanying dagger which controls Gorgonnoth. The blade is etched in demonic runes inked by lich blood with an eye taken from the Shivarra Demrissa embedded into the crossguard.Hakkari’s Bane, Blades of the Shadowtusk
(Appearance: Blades of the Hakkari)
The gleaming blades of Karo’jin were fated to kill the great traitor, Jakkir. Though they never succeeded in their purpose, their might has been lent to the Shadowtusk’s mightiest ever since; enveloping them in the strength of the Dark Six.Ki’aam, the Kraken Blade
(Appearance: Prideful Gladiator’s Greatsword)
A blade forged of shell and blackened steel, The Kraken Blade is a massive weapon and a pinnacle of Drakkari weaponsmithing. The pommel is topped with a polar bear fang and the hilt wrapped in shoveltusk leather, while the blade itself easily dwarfs even a Drakkari's arm. It is almost entirely constructed out of a kraken’s jawbone.Makemba’s Grace
(Appearance: Ursol’s Claw)
Makemba’s Grace is a sacred artifact of the Amani, made in remembrance of Makemba’s efforts to save Halazzi’s children from invaders. Now, it seeks to shield the Shadowtusk from harm in the hands of those brave enough to wield it.Miyyeh, Bulwark of the Zandalari
(Appearance: Visage of the Doomed)
Forged from a strange mineral, Miyyeh's coloration looks almost as if it were a simple stone. Carved into the visage of a troll skull, cloud serpent ribs form the tusks of the face in order to serve as an intimidation factor. Its eyes glow eerily with the magic of the ore, or perhaps it's simply with the magic of a voodoo enchantment?Staff of Rah’kel
(Appearance: Staff of Feral Furies)
A staff etched with Zandali runes and the crest of the Shadowtusk at the top where it then forks off into two spear-like tips. Between the two floats a mystical panther head aflame with arcane energy that could almost be mistaken for fel, its eyes blazing with golden light. To draw upon its ancient arcane mastery is to wield decades of understanding and the ebb and flow of the ley lines that flow underneath the earth.Zul’Jang’s Sacrifice
(Appearance: Talisman of Heedless Sins)
A Murloc skull decorated with raptor feathers, this fetish is attached to a shaft wrapped in naga-hide leather. Atop the weapon are a pair of lower naga mandibles that hold a voodoo-imbued crystal glowing purple. A bloodstain can still be seen splashed against the rear-left side of the trinket.Dagger of the First GodsInfused with the fragmented power of the Old Gods, the final piece of this puzzling dagger was the blood of the C’thraxxi Garax. Ancient, horrifying might rests within; ready to benefit any brave (or foolish) enough to wield this potent relic. The weak are not worthy of it.Curious for more details? Check them out on the STC Loot Document! All of their powers are listed there


Tazdingo! Here you may find a vast resource of Troll Lore and Troll Headcanon. We've dedicated a lot of time to ensure we provide as much as we possibly can when it comes to TROLLS!

Resources listed under 'lore' consists of text found in books, quests, interviews, and other sources we can pull from. Everything listed will be after any retcons have taken place and in the modern writing of Blizzard. In the situation there is no modern or updated lore on a topic, we will reference the RPG to fill in the blanks. The RPG are books which are considered non-canon, but is the foundation of most of the lore we have today. We default to it as a last resort before creating headcanon.Resources listed under 'headcannon' are created by members of the Shadowtusk Clan. Headcanon is used to world build in areas that have either been abandoned, neglected, or simply forgotten by Blizzard. Headcanon should always be based in the realm of Warcraft and should have connections to established lore where available. Our headcanon is open for anyone to use, be you Shadowtusk or not!

Tazdingo! Here you may find a vast resource of Troll Lore and Troll Headcanon. We've dedicated a lot of time to ensure we provide as much as we possibly can when it comes to TROLLS!

Resources listed under 'lore' consists of text found in books, quests, interviews, and other sources we can pull from. Everything listed will be after any retcons have taken place and in the modern writing of Blizzard. In the situation there is no modern or updated lore on a topic, we will reference the RPG to fill in the blanks. The RPG are books which are considered non-canon, but is the foundation of most of the lore we have today. We default to it as a last resort before creating headcanon.Resources listed under 'headcannon' are created by members of the Shadowtusk Clan. Headcanon is used to world build in areas that have either been abandoned, neglected, or simply forgotten by Blizzard. Headcanon should always be based in the realm of Warcraft and should have connections to established lore where available. Our headcanon is open for anyone to use, be you Shadowtusk or not!



"The Well of Eternity was formed from a great wound in Azeroth's surface, created when Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the titan Pantheon, ripped the Old God Y'Shaarj from the world's crust and tore it apart. The volatile arcane lifeblood of Azeroth's world-soul rushed to the surface and roiled over the world."

YEAR -16,000

F or generation after generation, life bloomed across the ordered world of Azeroth. Nowhere was this more evident than in the dense woodlands around the Well of Eternity. The fount of Azeroth’s arcane lifeblood accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth. Before long, sentient beings evolved from the land’s primitive life-forms.Among the first and most prolific were the trolls, a race of savage hunter-gatherers who flourished in Azeroth’s jungles and forests. Though the trolls were of only average intelligence, they possessed incredible agility and strength. Their unique physiology also allowed them to recover from physical injuries at an astonishing rate, and they could even regenerate lost limbs over time.The early trolls developed a wide array of superstitious customs. Some practiced cannibalism and devoted themselves to warfare. A rare few sought knowledge through mystic practices and meditation. Still others honed their ties to a dark and powerful form of magic known as voodoo. Yet no matter their individual customs, what all trolls shared was a common religion that revolved around Kalimdor’s elusive Wild Gods. The trolls called these powerful beings “loa,” and they worshipped them as deities.Due to their reverence for the Wild Gods, the trolls gathered near a series of peaks and plateaus in southern Kalimdor. This was home to many of their honored loa. The trolls gave the holy mountain range the name Zandalar, and soon they built small encampments upon its slopes.The most powerful group of trolls was called the Zandalar tribe. Its members claimed nearly all of Zandalar’s tallest plateaus, believing them to be sacred ground. Atop the highest peaks they constructed a small cluster of crude shrines. In time, these grew into a bustling temple city known as Zuldazar





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